Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is SurveySavvy.com a Scam? Is it a Legal Job?

surveysavvy scam
SurveySavvy is NOT a job, it's a scam. Read the fine print you will find there are requirements that must be met such as signing up for a companies services, applying for credit cards, etcetera to complete different surveys. Then you will see that they only pay you in credits at Amazon or pay-pal and do so only after you have earned a minimum amount.

Simply put there is NO such thing as an "on-line job", there are legitimate jobs that can be done from home, there are employers who allow employees to use the company network remotely, there are businesses you can start from home that use the internet to build sales or advertise, BUT there is NO such thing as an on-line job and SurveySavvy scam is well known.

Some members of SurveySavvy say that site is very safe and legit but this is not the case. Someone from survey police posted this:

"I Have cashed out and have no problems with the website. However, I wouldn't call it an actual job, just an opportunity to earn some extra bucks online."

You can save more money in electric savings by turning your computer and peripherals off for the amount of time you would have been working then you can make doing surveys, blogging, etcetera. Even the sites that are supposedly doing unbiased reviews of survey sites are SCAMS, these sites are full of links to sites that are SCAMS, SPAM, AND PHISHING.....

survey savvy scam

I don't know if they pay you, but I know a lot of the "work from home" websites just get your credit info and then screw you over! I don't know if a survey site would do the same or not! You just have to be super careful about what information you give away on the internet!

Also, I just looked at the web site, and it looked kind of shady! It didn't have any kind of way to contact the company, which is a sign that it isn't legit! Just be careful! Meanwhile visit this official site to learn more:


  1. I beg to differ. Its NOT a scam and NO its not a job, not sure who told you that it was one. You get emails now and again with surveys which reward you with money. You are correct as it is not much per survey but it adds up and they send you a check when you reach a min of $30 balance (I think that is the amount). I have been with them for a couple of years and have gotten money from them with NO problems. Its not much as you stated but I do enjoy surveys and I am on the computer anyway.... And book this should NOT BE TREATED LIKE A JOB but fun for me and I do get a tiny bit of free money now and then.

  2. Survey Savvy is absolutely scam. I completed many surveys they did not make payment to my account. They keep saying we will make control and it will be taking 3 months to be place in your account. So I never recieved money. My advise is not to be member on surveysavvy.com because you waste your time and your energy

  3. SurveySavvy is legit. For more visit http://itsallfreeonline.com
